Information in English
UDPA : The autonomous union
The UDPA (Union de Défense des Personnels des groupes de l’Assurance et de leurs filiales) is an independent union within the AXA Group. It was created in 1989 by AXA Group employees who did not recognize themselves in the traditional, overly hierarchical union organizations.
In 2003, the UDPA‘s presence in the AXA Group was strong enough to take it one step further. It joined forces with UNSA, in the form of an affiliate, to share a common ambition and provide itself with the means to become representative at the FFSA (Fédération Française des Sociétés d’Assurance) branch level. This representativeness was acquired in 2013.
The UDPA freely determines its policy for the defence of employees’ interests, in complete independence from any political party or pressure group.
What is the UNSA? (Union Nationale des Syndicats Autonomes):
Created in February 1993 around 5 organizations that share the same republican values of secularism, democracy, solidarity, freedom, humanism and social justice, it now has nearly 360,000 active and retired members.
The UNSA Charter
UNSA‘s mission is to develop in France, Europe and the world a reformist, strong and united trade union movement, respecting the following main principles: attachment to the secularism of the Republic, democracy, liberties, social justice, solidarity, defence of the public service, the right to employment, fraternity and tolerance, in fidelity to the principle of trade union independence.
Neither a follower of systematic refusal nor suspected of complacency, UNSA is determined to make its voice heard.
UNSA advocates and practises a realistic, pragmatic and reformist trade unionism.
UNSA favours dialogue and negotiation in order to achieve the demands of its members and to advance its trade union project without neglecting the balance of power necessary for this objective.
UNSA respects the identity of its components, in their internal management, in their trade union approach and in their public expression.
UNSA is an inter-professional trade union force that organises employees in the private and public sectors.
For more information
Staff representation
Employees’ rights, legal and regulatory provisions are complex areas that employees cannot master on their own in order to establish a social dialogue with their employer. Therefore, the law provides for bodies that have the task of representing and defending employees, acting as intermediaries with the employer and ensuring compliance with legal provisions. Consequently, any employee summoned to a meeting with management may request the assistance of a staff representative.
Staff representation is closely linked to trade union action and is part of the social dialogue which deals with negotiations, consultations and exchanges of information between the employer and employees on matters relating to economic and social policy. This results in the conclusion of collective agreements which complement, adapt and most often aim to improve the law applicable in the undertaking.
More details on Employee representation in the company: LINK
Labour law
Labour law is the set of legal norms that govern the relationship between an employer and an employee. Labour law governs in particular the formation, performance and termination of the employment contract. It also guarantees respect for trade union freedoms and occupational safety standards, and the protection of vulnerable workers.
Labour Code: LINK
Collective agreements
A collective agreement contains the specific rules of labour law applicable to a given sector (employment contract, hygiene, holidays, wages, classification, dismissal, etc.). It is concluded by trade union organisations representing employees and employers’ organisations or groupings. Its scope of application is variable. The employer must apply it, except in special cases.
- National Collective Agreement for Insurance Companies of 27 May 1992: LINK
- National Collective Agreement for Insurance Inspection of 27 July 1992: LINK
- National collective agreement for insurance and/or reinsurance brokerage firms of January 18, 2002: LINK
- National collective agreement of the bank of January 10, 2000: LINK
- National collective agreement for assistance societies of 13 April 1994: LINK
- Single collective bargaining agreement for all non-executive sales employees (effective in 2021):LINK
Company agreements (RSG and local)
Company agreements aim at adapting the general rules provided for in the Labour Code to the context of the company. They are the result of negotiations between the trade union delegates and the employer. These agreements, initially negotiated at the level of the AXA Group (Représentation Syndicale du Groupe « RSG ») in France, need to be broken down and signed within each company.
RSG agreements: LINK
The financing of trade union organizations: the union cheque
Since January 1, 2015, a new employer’s contribution has made it possible to finance the setting up of a joint fund dedicated to the financing of employees’ trade unions and employers’ professional organizations. This is the contribution to social dialogue, which makes it possible, among other things, to finance the training of staff representatives and employees on changes in legislation.
For the AXA Group in France, this means that each year, every employee receives a voucher that he or she can allocate to the trade union of his or her choice. It is important that the vouchers be allocated so that this employer contribution can be used to the maximum benefit of the proper functioning of the representative bodies.
Economic, social and trade union training leave
This leave allows any employee (whether or not a member of a trade union), without any seniority condition, to participate in economic, social or trade union training courses or sessions in order to prepare for the exercise of trade union functions. This leave is subject to conditions of duration. During this leave, the employee benefits from the maintenance of his or her remuneration.
- The employee may take one or more leaves of absence, up to a maximum of 12 days per year.
- The employee must send a writtenrequest for leave of absence to his/her employer, preferably by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, at least 30 days before the start of the training course. The request must specify the following information: Date and duration of the requested absence, Name of the organisation responsible for the course or session.
- During the training course, the employee’s employment contract is suspended. However, the period of leave is treated as actual working time for the calculation of paid leaveand rights to social and family benefits.
- At the end of the training course,the training organisation issues a certificate to the employee. It states that the training course or session has been effectively followed up. The employee must submit this certificate to his employer when he resumes his activity.
For more information, please contact your UDPA representatives