Le télétravail comme nouveau standard

[English version available here]

Selon le ministère du travail 3 français sur 5 souhaitent travailler à distance et les employeurs ont encore du mal à accorder cet avantage, la France restant encore en deçà de ses partenaires européens dont le taux avoisinait les 20% selon les dernières statistiques connues.

La crise pandémique rebat les cartes du télétravail et AXA Group Operations, après avoir consenti un gros effort pour permettre aux collaborateurs du groupe en Europe de l’ouest de travailler à distance, continue de maintenir son activité avec succès avec un taux de télétravail avoisinant les 100%, ce que vient de souligner son CIO, Mme Astrid STANGE, dans son message de rentrée.
Au-delà du maintien de l’activité, le travail à distance est reconnu par tous les observateurs comme vecteur de productivité ( de 5 à 30% selon le ministère de l’économie)

Open space ou pain pace ?

L’illusion des open spaces et du flex work a fait long feu. De nombreuses études révèlent que la très grande majorité des collaborateurs reconnaissent préférer s’isoler pour travailler, évitant ainsi d’être déconcentrés par des voisins bruyants, de sans cesse être interrompus dans leurs activités et devoir reconsidérer leurs priorités. L’évitement deux à trois fois par semaine du temps et du stress des transports rend les travailleurs plus sereins avec comme conséquence une réduction significative du taux d’absentéisme (de l’ordre de 20 % selon le ministère de l’économie).
Autres vecteurs de motivation, la possibilité de travail à distance est un critère majeur de choix des jeunes candidats à l’embauche et est unanimement ressentie comme un axe fort de préservation de l’environnement

Nomadisme certes, mais encadré.

Répondant à la crise que nous vivons et anticipant ses impacts sur le long terme, AXA Group Operations engage une réflexion sur un modèle de travail cible tenant compte des constats très positifs du travail à distance de ces derniers mois tout en préservant les liens sociaux, la capacité d’accueil des nouveaux arrivants et la bonne gestion des transferts de connaissance lors des départs.

L’UDPA prendra une part active dans le dialogue social qui s’instaurera pour la définition de ce nouveau modèle et veillera à ce que le renforcement du télétravail ne se traduise pas par des dérives qui conduiraient à déporter vers le collaborateur certaines obligations de l’employeur en termes d’évolution de carrière, de mobilité et de formation notamment.
L’UDPA veillera également à ce que les règles en termes de mise à disposition et d’utilisation des moyens d’exercer ses fonctions ainsi que de plages horaires durant lesquelles les collaborateurs peuvent être contactés soient clairement établies de manière à préserver l’équilibre entre le personnel et le professionnel.
En termes d’indemnisations, l’UDPA continuera de revendiquer un partage équitable des importantes économies liées au télétravail par une meilleure subvention des moyens matériels nécessaires au travail à distance et l’allocation de frais de repas les jours télétravaillés.

En conformité avec le code du travail, le télétravail reste un choix que, sauf cas de force majeure, tout salarié peut décliner sans rupture du contrat de travail et que l’employeur ne peut refuser sans motif justifié. La mise en application de ce dispositif étant encadrée au sein d’AXA par des accords collectifs, l’UDPA consacrera tous les efforts nécessaires pour qu’un nouvel accord, en reprécisant toutes les modalités, soit signé avec la direction.

Pour le collaborateur, l’activité à distance devra toujours s’inscrire dans les objectifs partagés avec l’entreprise, il devra assurer sa disponibilité dans les plages horaires définies et veiller à ne pas vaquer à des activités personnelles.

Retrouver l’essentiel sur le site teletravailler.fr


According to the French Ministry of Labor, 3 out of 5 French people want to work remotely and employers still have a hard time granting this advantage, as France still falls short of its European partners whose rate was around 20% according to the latest statistics.

The pandemic crisis is rebating the cards of telework and AXA Group Operations, after having made a big effort to enable the group’s employees in Western Europe to work remotely, continues to maintain its activity successfully with a telework rate close to 100%, which has just been underlined by its CIO, Mrs. Astrid STANGE, in her message at the beginning of the new school year.

Beyond the maintenance of the activity, telework is recognized by all observers as a vector of productivity (from 5 to 30% according to the Ministry of Economy).

Open space or pain pace?

The illusion of open spaces and flex work has been a long time coming. Numerous studies show that the vast majority of employees recognize that they prefer to work in isolation, avoiding being distracted by noisy neighbors, constantly being interrupted in their activities and having to reconsider their priorities. Avoiding the time and stress of transportation two to three times a week makes workers feel more serene, resulting in a significant reduction in the absenteeism rate (of the order of 20% according to the Ministry of the Economy).

Another source of motivation is the possibility of teleworking, which is a major criterion in the choice of young job applicants and is unanimously felt to be a major factor in protecting the environment.

Nomadism certainly but framed.

Responding to the crisis we are experiencing and anticipating its long-term impacts, AXA Group Operations is considering a target work model that takes into account the very positive findings of teleworking in recent months, while preserving social ties, the ability to welcome new arrivals and the proper management of knowledge transfer during departures.

The UDPA will take an active part in the social dialogue that will be set up to define this new model and will ensure that the reinforcement of telework does not lead to abuses that would lead to the transfer to the employee of certain obligations of the employer in terms of career development, mobility and training in particular.

The UDPA will also ensure that the rules in terms of the provision and use of the means to carry out one’s duties as well as the time slots during which employees can be contacted are clearly established so as to preserve the balance between staff and professional.

In terms of compensation, the UDPA will continue to demand a fair sharing of the significant savings linked to teleworking by better subsidizing the material means necessary for teleworking and the allocation of meal expenses on teleworking days.

In compliance with the labor code, telework remains a choice that, except in cases of force majeure, any employee may decline without breach of the employment contract and that the employer may not refuse without a justified reason. Since the implementation of this system is governed within AXA by collective agreements, the UDPA will make every effort to ensure that a new agreement, setting out all the terms and conditions, is signed with management.

For the employee, the remote activity must always be in line with the objectives shared with the company, he or she must ensure his or her availability within the defined time slots and must take care not to engage in personal activities.


Taking A Psychology Poster Presentation

Psych Poster Demo: medical PSYCHIOLOGY is really a great means to bring the knowledge you’ve got about this field towards the forefront.

100 percent on web page.

This demonstration is designed for all medical schools and other institutions which want to generate an introduction into psychology. These materials are well researched, well presented and quite informative and educational in character.

These posters may be purchased from our office or from our website. If you’re thinking of getting one, then we are willing to urge it to anybody who’d want to teach themselves inside this field. They truly have been extremely easy to understand.

Hopefully, you will learn the principles of psychology, and the areas where psychology has been properly used, plus a whole lot more. A excellent psychology poster presentation will assist you to select whether that area is something which interests you.

Psychology is able to assist you to learn how to control relationships, work for a team, manage the loss of a loved one, plus even more. The materials are extremely enlightening and really insightful. These images are extremely interesting to consider. We have some exact great ones that could be found on line.

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Just take a training course, go to the local library and also have a psych poster. You will not be disappointed.

You can find more than a few reasons that a person could need to get a psych poster presentation. top essay writing Several of the reasons are listed below.

To be able to earn a excellent utilization with this specific information, you will be able to make superior decisions on your life. In the event you are afflicted with anxiety or depression, that is very good news.

More than a few men and women nowadays are selecting this procedure of psychological treatment. You can learn out of that knowledge once you take a psychology course.

When you take this particular class, you will learn about selfconfidence, stress alleviation, and determination. These will assist you overcome the unwanted features that the majority folks suffer with.

In the event you prefer a fresh livelihood, https://ijpam.eu/contents/2009-52-5/1/1.pdf then you will see out exactly what other individuals expect of you once you pick this type of career. As a way to succeed, you will need to possess this understanding that will greatly help you for making these decisions.

Once you choose a training course, you’re going to be able to use that which you’ve learned to your own career. Hopefully, you will see on your own, and your means to handle the people round you.

Taking this training course is just a outstanding way to be much more outgoing. That helps for everybody who wants to grow their amount of character.

When you are suffering from psychological ailments, then you will need to see that you simply can’t conduct anything about that. This really is the reason you need to locate a way to deal with this.

Individuals who’ve been diagnosed with emotional disease should make sure check my reference that they eat very well and get decent care of their own bodies. As a way to deal with this illness, they should know very well what it is like and treat it within a healthful method.

Simply take a course and you’ll understand several diverse things. Including some very intriguing examples. You are able to understand the different kinds of problems, as well as the different ways to deal with them.

How Becoming Clean Affects Your Private And Expert Life And Wellbeing

How Becoming Clean Affects Your Private and Expert Life

To succeed within your skilled life, you must be highly effective. Most of the people will tell you that you just need to work difficult to realize success. Currently, I will inform you which you should not only operate tougher essay writing reviews but smarter.

Our personal and specialist life will depend on pretty a lot of components. It would enable should you did all that it requires to view ends meet. Apart from, the way we present ourselves will also affect our individual and skilled life. Now, we are going to look in the motives why being clean affects our personal and skilled life. Read on!

Benefits of Becoming Clean That Relates To Our Individual and Professional Life

Here will be the rewards:

  1. Cleanliness Helps To Boost Productivity

After a extended day of operate, you’ll need to take a shower to cool you down. Maintaining oneself clean is one way of making certain that you could provide maximum output. Lots of instances, persons get tired throughout the day. In college, students will run up and down, going from one class to the other. In some cases, you’ll find that you’re pretty busy along with your job and you wind up acquiring tired.

Taking a warm shower following you might be via with every thing will help relieve your body from fatigue. After you turn out to be fresh, your mind may also loosen up. Besides, it is possible to get enough sleep through the evening. Adequate sleep helps the brain to rest and regain much more csm.rowan.edu power for the following day.

Many instances, cleanliness goes hand in hand with excellent organization. Persons who are clean usually organize their perform. With that, it becomes effortless to achieve your ambitions.

  1. Sense Of Acceptance

Being clean tends to make men and women comprehend themselves even greater. From there, men and women begin to accept who they may be and their weaknesses. After you are within a position to recognize your weaknesses, you are able to operate out approaches to enable you to attain whatever you will be performing. Lots of men and women fail to succeed due to the fact they don?t know who they are and what they will do or not.

  1. Helps To create Confidence

Cleanliness aids folks to be additional confident in specific scenarios. You won?t be comfy standing in front of a congregation should you know that that you are not clean. Being clean could make someone get self-confidence. By means of that, you may have the ability to manage what you’re doing and deliver the top out of you.

Self-confidence also helps individuals to face their fears. When you will not be certain that you just have that https://payforessay.net/buy-essay confidence, you cannot even request help. For anyone to succeed in their personal or qualified life, you need to study how to interact with individuals. Being clean helps you acquire the courage to interact with individuals, and by means of that, you find yourself gaining a lot more.

  1. Cleanliness Assists To Eradicate Illnesses

When you will be clean, you’ll find chances which you may possibly not even get sick. Individuals with fantastic overall health will generally function properly. Cleanliness also aids to reduce strain and therefore to stop you from sicknesses for instance stress. Individuals say that once you do some cleaning, you help lower strain levels within your brains. As such, there would be nothing to prevent you from performing better inside your tasks.